New Blog

October 12, 2009

My blog has officially changed. Here is the new one.

I’ll have the Hipster Special

August 7, 2009

So, I made a day out of running errands today. Those type of days can prove to be tricky. Some days I set aside for errand running, end up being extremely productive yet I run out of time or run over the time I set aside. While this can be frustrating, it is no where near as bad as when I plan what I think will take a whole day and it ends up taking a few to zero hours.

Today is the latter. I planned a full day of going and talking to some advisers at UNM, just to figure out that no one wants to talk to me unless I am accepted to said institution. Whatever. More time to update my neglected blog and just bum around. Doing nothing in the Student Ghetto is actually really fun, but I find myself annoyed by the “locals”. I am typing this in a local coffee shop that is trying to take over the city. They are the most corporate local place in town. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.

Now, I am being ashamed of myself because I am sitting in a coffee house “pounding away” on my laptop. I hope I don’t see anyone I know, because I look really pretentious.

So, I am leaving this one short for various reasons.

My Battery is dying and I can’t find another outlet.

The people next to me are talking about artwork and sound very snobby.

This place is only getting more crowded as I type.

Called up the homies and Im askin yall Which court, are yall playin basketball?

July 27, 2009

Today is turning out to be a good day. I will be joining the ranks of business men ditching out of work to see the Topes. Not too often do I get an excuse to have some overpriced beers and watch some triple A baseball at 12 in the afternoon. As soon as I finish this post I’m slathering sun block on my bald head and taking the short walk down to the stadium. As I mentioned before the self proclaimed “Greatest Rock and Roll Band in the World” otherwise known as the Supersuckers will grace our fair city. So, to shamelessly plug them, everyone in town on Sat should buy a ticket and enjoy a nice afternoon BBQ and early show at the Launchpad.

That said, I’m doing my fair share by volunteering to flyering the Eff out of Burque. It’s really amazing how one can find ways to occupy their time without getting paid or even paying to do so. Let’s face it everyone wants to be retired and be able to just you know hang out. I often hear things like, “I just can’t imagine not doing anything.” Well, I don’t believe it. I think really what retired folk find hard is someone to “just hang out” with. I CAN see how hard it would be to have nothing else to do except meet for coffee and see movies and what not. That’s probably what hell is like. There’s all this stuff to do but no one to do it with. Also, going back to a previous statement, having to pay for this stuff could really limit the fun.

So, now I’m banking on my creative skills. Maybe I can start some sort of business entertaining retirees. I’m sure there’s some retiree out there that needs a friend with zero responsibilities. I could wake up really early and accompany one to breakfast, play some golf, maybe hit up the public pool for a little exercise. We could end the day with an early bird dinner at Sizzler. So spread the word, Anders the retiree escort for hire.

For now, I’m off to pay money to waste away the afternoon.

New post take 2:

July 22, 2009

I’m going to try this again. I’m not sure if I even know how to do this anymore, which implies I knew how to do this in the first place.

So a while back, our brown dog started getting really sick all over the house. It quickly turned from an annoyance to worry when he let loose in various places around the house in about 15 minutes. So, me looking for any reason to not travel the 30 minutes to my new work post volunteered to take the little bugger to the vet. Keep in mind this was right after the fourth of July, so in turn we just shelled out some serious cash for boarding fees and shots for both of the mutts. So, there I was 4 days later at the same vet. I talked to the doctor, gave her the low down, and left the sick-o with her. She said she was going to check him out and call me about 2 pm. I should also mention it was on a Friday. This is only important because you should understand my circumstance when it comes to returning to work for the day. The doc told me that I wouldn’t hear anything until about 2. Would you go to work? Under the guise of a concerned dog owner, neither did I. The verdict was that he probably got into something and got some sort of irritation in his intestines. The solution? Antibiotics, special food to help him “pass things better”and anti-nausea medicine. The means? Two x-rays, barium, and a whole day at the vet. I really am glad that everything turned out fine, but at what cost? Oh, that’s right almost $800. It makes me want to throw up myself. I think I’m going to get some sort of degree that is required to sell pet prescriptions. That seems to be the money maker.

Also, the spouse and I went to Chi-Town for a cousin’s wedding. It was a whole lot of fun. Still, I maintain that as far as public transportation the award goes to NYC. I have to admit, that we did not see Chicago like we would have if we were just on vacation. Although, if we were on vacation, I’m not sure that we would have spent as much time in South Chicago. It was quite the experience. We were definitely the thing that was not like the other. We met so many nice people and enjoyed a great wedding. I also got to try what is called a bubble drink in China Town. Picture a smoothie with small pebble sized balls mixed in. When asked what they were, the girl told my cousin, the were “Inaudible……chewy…….inaudible.” Our response was, “Okay, we’ll try it.” When I asked he again, she mentioned something about sweet potatoes and potato flour. (I’m assuming it wasn’t flower) So, they were noodle balls I guess. They didn’t have any flavor, just chewy. In case you were wondering, chewy is not the best addition to a smoothie. I figured I’d try it. The novelty wore off for all of us before we made through the nearby street festival. I think I was the last man standing when it came to throwing our drinks out. Trust me go without bubbles next time you’re in Chicago. That’s about all the news I’ve got so far. I think I’m back in the blog groove, so you know, look out.

Upcoming events:

The Isotopes are playing a day game on the 27th at 12 in the afternoon. Also known as, “The business Man Special”.

One of my favorite bands The Supersuckers will be in town on the 1st of August. It ‘s actually on a Sat., starts early, (4pm) and will have BBQ.

New Post

July 15, 2009

I’m back. After a longer hiatus than planned, I am ready to publish more crap. So, you may ask, what took you so long? I don’t have an answer really. Or multiple answers if you will. So somehow, I had the brilliance to take 5 classes this summer. It didn’t sound too bad until I realized the classes are condensed to 12 weeks instead of 15. Sure three weeks isn’t too bad right? Wrong. Between all of my classes, there has been homework every night sometimes more than other. So, my first lame excuse is that I have been running out of time. Actually all of my excuses are about a lack of time, just different reason for not having time. I believe that last time I showed my face was right before the 4th of July. That weekend we took a trip with the wife’s fam to Ruidoso. It was a blast, but I came back to test preparations and stacks of homework. The excuses don’t end there. The following weekend was the wife’s birthday, so there was that. With family in town, and busy weekends, I was not in need of excuses to procrastinate, which meant late nights and early mornings. Not that any readers would care, but I didn’t have homework last night and I have one quiz tomorrow. Then off to Chi-town for a wedding this weekend. I think I’m going to try and update this puppy while there, but no guarantee. I’m hoping, this will get me back into the swing of things.

On another note, Harry Potter opened last night, so I hear. I’m not a Harry Potter fan by any means. (book or movie) I don’t have much to say about the grand opening except that I love to watch the news footage of fans at almost any movie opening. This morning I saw some footage of all the fans dressed up. My favorite? The girl that was dressed in a long robe, tall hat and a white beard. At first glance, nothing hilaraious considering the norm for fans. What got me was the phrase she used to explain why she was out there. “I’m just kind of a fan, and I really like the books and movies.” Whatever makes you sleep better at night.  I will not be seeing the new movie. I took the wife when she was still the girlfriend for her birthday one year. I still can’t remember what happened, but I didn’t seem to enjoy myself. I think it’s because I almost refuse to like it. I’m just not a fan of Harry Potter. That Daniel Ratcliff kid, I’ll take any day.


June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson dead woah. Who saw that one coming? When I heard the news I thought, “What kind of funny things can I write about this?” Then I started to realize that every “joke” might come across as tasteless. Then I really started to feel sorry for anyone in the public spotlight because everything they say is watched by the most insensitive people in the country. Case in point David Letterman. Now I really feel bad for him because he probably thought, “Here’s a semi-funny joke about this lady’s daughter.” Next thing he knows people are outside his studio calling him a schmuck. Imagine what kind of backlash he would experience if her made a joke about Michael Jackson now. That brings me to my question, “When is it okay to crack jokes?” Not that any MJ jokes I have ever told or heard are all that funny. Not because they were disgusting or offensive just not funny. That’s what people don’t understand about David Letterman’s joke. It was not funny. Offensive, maybe. Funny, definitely not. So no joke about MJ today. All jokes aside, it’s pretty sad when anyone dies, especially a huge pop icon.

Speaking of icons how did Farah Fawcet get forgotten between breakfast and dinner. Seriously, I have been watching the news and and all of the coverage of her is non existent. Quite a day huh? Well, moonwalk over to your closest watering hole and pour one out for our homies down.

I’m hungry

June 25, 2009

I’m going to be lazy today and re-direct your attention to this site today.  If this doesn’t you’re heart racing then you have low cholesterol.

Some of my favorites include:

  • Flapjack Fiasco

  • The ghetto burger

  • Kentucky Nachos

  • The Rusty Anchor
  • The Patty LeBurger
  • Totchos
  • Francesinha

Sorry, I had trouble with some of the pics, so you’ll have to explore yourself. Maybe you’ll get inspired. Let me know your favorite.

Savings not scams.

June 24, 2009

Today the NY Times is running a story about college financial problems. I’m going to level with my readers here. I didn’t actually read it. I’m not sure why I expected something like this from the NY Times, but I was ready for a short article with bullet points on how to cut costs. Since I recently put myself back in the ranks of poor students I thought I would be able to use some advice about cutting costs. Since the Times obviously doesn’t know their audience I am going to attempt to do it my self for any potential college age readers. Never mind that my posts might be used by elementary school teachers to show their student how not to write.

  • Save money on books.

There are many ways to do this, but one sure fire/obvious way is to make use of your schools library. You should be able to get your syllabus pretty early on, which hopefully maps out what you are supposed to know by the end of the semester. Once you know which chapters you are supposed to read, head to the library and find out how much copies cost. Hopefully, you don’t need the whole book, because xerox copies of the whole book may cost more than just buying it, but probably not. If you get hassled by the library staff because of their policy on “maximum” pages, tell them that you are in pre-law and it’s not smart for them to stifle your learning opportunities, unless they want to be sued under the basis of Chensky v. Education. This part is really key, because it’s how you sell it that depends on if you get away with it. If your instructor requires some sort of in class reading, find the most timid person in your class, sit with them and tell them, “You forgot your book” and ask if they mind if you just share for the day. Depending on the class size, you can probably get a way with this for a few weeks. If you’re a female, this tends to work even better.

  • Save Money On Food

Find out if your school has a policy on scrap hunting. This is when you just peruse the cafeteria or food court and wait for someone to leave their plate and move in for the kill. This sounds trashy? Try dressing similar to the janitorial staff and bring your own “bus bin”. People will not bat an eye. You might hear, “Pack your lunch, it’s cheaper.” Sure, you can do this if you want to look like a nerd. In a pinch you can also pull the forgot my wallet routine. This only works if you invite some sucker to lunch to a place that you pay for the food after the meal. Granted this is not a way to make friends and influence people, but you have your whole post college career to worry about that.

  • Make money

Sure there’s all sorts of ways to make “legitimate” money on campus, but you need something with a big pay out. Some people enjoy being in a work-study program, but that sounds like a waste of time to me. Try hosting a cook out in the quad. I think you can buy a hibachi grill for pretty cheap. Throw in a little more and you’ve got some hot dogs. If I’ve learned anything from L.A’s major rock radio station, when you call anything a wienie roast, people show up. Mark up the price or charge extra for napkins and you’re golden. Other options are modeling for art classes, medical studies, and plasma donations.

  • Cut dorm room costs

Generally dorms come with basic furniture, so don’t sweat that. If you need a microwave or hot plate, get to the dorms early. That’s the best time to scout out who has the amenities you need. Plus, you just made a new friend. What you’ve got now is two stones:one bird. Need to decorate for cheap? Find flyers for bands around campus and use those as posters. You will not only look hip, but people will think you are deep and well rounded. Need a rug? Look for freebies like this drawing over at DC.

Hopefully, this will help many of you this Fall. I’m still trying to figure out how to convince employers that you can be home schooled for college too. Until then try these steps and watch the money pile up.

Root, Root, Root, Root for the day game.

June 23, 2009

A couple of things to stat out. Mr. McMahon, you will be missed. Here’s me doing the blog equivalent to “pouring one out” for you. Another homie down, more money more problems.

Also, let’s crack open one of these cold ones and hope the best for commuters in D.C.

Sounds like residents of our fair city have Manny fever to quote the local news. Dodgers power hitter, Manny Ramirez is in town. As may know, he was “popped” for testing positive for a performance enhancing substance. I guess a punishment is to come play with his farm town the Topes. So, our newspaper and local news stations have been in a tizzy getting ready for his arrival. They’ve been asking questions like “How much would you pay to watch Ramirez play?” How much would I pay? Let’s see, usually you can buy a berm ticket for $6 and find an empty seat somewhere by 1st base. The empty seats by first base usually go for $9. Better seats are $11. then of course you can pay $21 for box seats. So, how much would I pay to see Ramirez play here? Zip, nada, nothing. If what they say is true and almost the whole stadium is sold out, I don’t even want to be there. As if the stadium isn’t crowded enough on regular nights, now it packed? No thank you sir. Apparently, Manny is only slated to be here for the next week.Don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate people wanting to see a baseball great play in the Duke City. Sure, if he’s your favorite player, this is a cheap way to watch him play. Although, this is sort of like watching a debate between a high school speech team and James Carville. I guess, I’m just not a big enough baseball fan. I really do enjoy watching baseball games here, but I’m more of  a fan of the business man special. That’s what they call it when you ditch out of work and other daily responsibilities to watch a game and have some over priced beers at 12 in the afternoon. Sounds great right? I know, I already bought some tickets to the next one in July. I can’t wait. So Manny, go hit a homer or two, waive to the camera, and maybe sign some baseballs. Then, get ready for rehab. On an ending note, who else thinks it’s ironic that he’s stopping off in here before rehab?

Today in history pt. 2

June 22, 2009

Hope everyone had a great father’s day. Guess what today is? The day disco should have died. According to Any Excuse for a Party it should have happened in 1974 today. Did it happen? You be the judge. Yes, people across the country still have theme parties where everyone dresses in disco fabulous clothes, but is that more of a memorial party?  Disco Stu probably doesn’t think so.

Still, doesn’t it seem like Disco is still around? Granted, it’s not the same as in the seventies.

I wonder if there are still people out there who love disco. Maybe somewhere out there is a grown man who still loves “It’s raining men” who knows.

Apparently our friends across the ocean to the west are still into it. The proof is in the pudding, or better yet, the proof is in the phallic karaoke toy.

How can I mention disco and not reference this classic movie.

So maybe disco is dead in the sense that Elvis is dead. There are so many fans that it may never die. Or maybe it’s dead and people just like to be reminded how much fun it was minus the blow and promiscuous sex. Oh, wait  that part’s not dead yet. Maybe Disco is just on life support. I still want to know which day it was decided that punk is not dead. The bigger question is, ‘When is Crunk going to die’?