I’ll have the Hipster Special

So, I made a day out of running errands today. Those type of days can prove to be tricky. Some days I set aside for errand running, end up being extremely productive yet I run out of time or run over the time I set aside. While this can be frustrating, it is no where near as bad as when I plan what I think will take a whole day and it ends up taking a few to zero hours.

Today is the latter. I planned a full day of going and talking to some advisers at UNM, just to figure out that no one wants to talk to me unless I am accepted to said institution. Whatever. More time to update my neglected blog and just bum around. Doing nothing in the Student Ghetto is actually really fun, but I find myself annoyed by the “locals”. I am typing this in a local coffee shop that is trying to take over the city. They are the most corporate local place in town. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.

Now, I am being ashamed of myself because I am sitting in a coffee house “pounding away” on my laptop. I hope I don’t see anyone I know, because I look really pretentious.

So, I am leaving this one short for various reasons.

My Battery is dying and I can’t find another outlet.

The people next to me are talking about artwork and sound very snobby.

This place is only getting more crowded as I type.

3 Responses to I’ll have the Hipster Special

  1. karly says:

    What are you talking about? You married into a family with the swiftest most conniving errand running skills around, have they taught you nothing, or is that knowledge to be gifted upon you after proven time in marriage?

    also, were you at satellite? wait, no, flying star, the one that used to be double rainbow? No! I know! You were at Harlow’s.

  2. Queenbee says:

    Enjoy your coffee house time. I’ll be missing mine for 2 weeks. Love you!

  3. Queenbee says:

    Where are you? There seems to be a huge gap in your blog and Kevin’s.

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