I’ll have the Hipster Special

August 7, 2009

So, I made a day out of running errands today. Those type of days can prove to be tricky. Some days I set aside for errand running, end up being extremely productive yet I run out of time or run over the time I set aside. While this can be frustrating, it is no where near as bad as when I plan what I think will take a whole day and it ends up taking a few to zero hours.

Today is the latter. I planned a full day of going and talking to some advisers at UNM, just to figure out that no one wants to talk to me unless I am accepted to said institution. Whatever. More time to update my neglected blog and just bum around. Doing nothing in the Student Ghetto is actually really fun, but I find myself annoyed by the “locals”. I am typing this in a local coffee shop that is trying to take over the city. They are the most corporate local place in town. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.

Now, I am being ashamed of myself because I am sitting in a coffee house “pounding away” on my laptop. I hope I don’t see anyone I know, because I look really pretentious.

So, I am leaving this one short for various reasons.

My Battery is dying and I can’t find another outlet.

The people next to me are talking about artwork and sound very snobby.

This place is only getting more crowded as I type.