Root, Root, Root, Root for the day game.

A couple of things to stat out. Mr. McMahon, you will be missed. Here’s me doing the blog equivalent to “pouring one out” for you. Another homie down, more money more problems.

Also, let’s crack open one of these cold ones and hope the best for commuters in D.C.

Sounds like residents of our fair city have Manny fever to quote the local news. Dodgers power hitter, Manny Ramirez is in town. As may know, he was “popped” for testing positive for a performance enhancing substance. I guess a punishment is to come play with his farm town the Topes. So, our newspaper and local news stations have been in a tizzy getting ready for his arrival. They’ve been asking questions like “How much would you pay to watch Ramirez play?” How much would I pay? Let’s see, usually you can buy a berm ticket for $6 and find an empty seat somewhere by 1st base. The empty seats by first base usually go for $9. Better seats are $11. then of course you can pay $21 for box seats. So, how much would I pay to see Ramirez play here? Zip, nada, nothing. If what they say is true and almost the whole stadium is sold out, I don’t even want to be there. As if the stadium isn’t crowded enough on regular nights, now it packed? No thank you sir. Apparently, Manny is only slated to be here for the next week.Don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate people wanting to see a baseball great play in the Duke City. Sure, if he’s your favorite player, this is a cheap way to watch him play. Although, this is sort of like watching a debate between a high school speech team and James Carville. I guess, I’m just not a big enough baseball fan. I really do enjoy watching baseball games here, but I’m more of  a fan of the business man special. That’s what they call it when you ditch out of work and other daily responsibilities to watch a game and have some over priced beers at 12 in the afternoon. Sounds great right? I know, I already bought some tickets to the next one in July. I can’t wait. So Manny, go hit a homer or two, waive to the camera, and maybe sign some baseballs. Then, get ready for rehab. On an ending note, who else thinks it’s ironic that he’s stopping off in here before rehab?

2 Responses to Root, Root, Root, Root for the day game.

  1. karly says:

    I saw a debate between James Carvel and a high school debate team once. James was schooling until the debate kids slammed him with the correct pronunciation of mo money mo problems.

  2. Sarita says:

    Are you a business man? Or as Karly might prefer, bidness man?

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